Privacy Policy for Orienteering Series Apps
Last updated: 2018-10-18

This Privacy Policy outlines the Personal Information we collect through the apps and how we use it. This information includes both collected by our Apps and those collected by the third parties services we use in the Apps.

Information we collect
a) Our Apps
– Advertising ID (of Google Play services): we do not use this ID directly. It is used indirectly by the third party Google Advertising Services.
b) Indirect third parties services
i) Google Admob in-app advertising service ( for app with in-app advertisement )
– Advertising ID, cookies and similar technologies
( )

How we use that information
a Indirect third parties services
i) Google Admob in-app advertising service
– Cookies and similar technologies : collected information to serve ads better targeted to the users

Information share
– we don’t share user information with others with the following exceptions
i) “Rank” “Record Keeper” “Run Time” “Create Date”
when user challenges the world and region records, the orienteering game course “run time”, “create/game date” and the user generated unrestricted code name(record keeper) will be sent to our record charts server for ranking, these information and the rank (only top 10) will be shown in the world/region record chart for public viewing.
ii) third parties services that requires these information to delivery the core features of the Apps
iii) third party service: Admob ads services

Third-party privacy policies
For information on how our selected third parties may use your information, please see their privacy policies.
– Google Admob :

We shall update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in Apps and you can check this page for the latest version.